What Volodymyr Zelenskyy can teach us about leadership

The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy emerged as an icon of Ukraine’s determination in its war against Russia. During the past few weeks, I spent many hours glued to the news, Twitter, looking for information about the war. Despite untold horrors, Mariupol, Kharkiv and Chernihiv suffering under bombs. Ukraine stands strong and its president remains in … Read more

Why leaders should know their history

History always fascinated me and I seriously considered becoming a historian after leaving school. Nowadays, I am astonished at the low level of historical knowledge amongst the general population. Within the organisation, I led. Basic knowledge of when the organisation arrived in the United Kingdom and the rather turbulent history which followed is poor. I … Read more

Tall vs wide strategic leadership – Part 3: Leadership lessons from Russia

In the first article of this series, we looked at the strategic concepts of growing tall vs growing wide. Leaders can harness these concepts to grow and expand any organisation. Both concepts however require leaders to different decisions and to demonstrate different leadership behaviours. In particular, tall growth requires a constant focus on quality, reinventing oneself and anticipating … Read more

Tall vs wide growth strategies – Part 2: Leadership lessons from Venice

In the first article of this series, we explored the video game origins of tall vs wide leadership strategies to grow an organisation. The objective of both strategies is the same, growing an organisation, and obtaining more resources to gain a decisive advantage over the competition. However, both strategies use different means. Tall growth will … Read more

Tall vs wide leadership strategies – Part 1: Gaming origins

Back in 2019, I explored how playing strategy games taught me about strategic leadership. I would even go as far as saying that spending hundreds of hours on them when I was younger, proved instrumental in making it easier for me to design high-level strategic plans during my leadership journey. Recently, I spent some time … Read more

Exploring short-range and long-range leadership

When reflecting on the leadership roles I held in the past few years. I discovered that nearly everything I did as a leader could be split between short-range and long-range tasks or items. Neither was exclusive with the other, and both were necessary elements of my role as a leader. Nevertheless, juggling between both sets … Read more

Paths not taken or why leaders must have perspective

Ever since I was young, I have always been interested in history. I love studying history as it provides clues as to how and why the present world came to be. History more than anything can also tell us why some individuals, organisations or even civilisations ended-up becoming more successful than others. In the words … Read more

Handling data is now an essential part of leadership

One of my major discoveries during my leadership journey is how essential data and numbers are to effective decision-making. Additionally, ubiquitous computers and smart devices now make collecting and analysing numbers easier than ever. Yet at the same time, few leaders can handle data confidently and to harness it to craft strategies and power their … Read more

What nobody will tell you about leadership

Leadership can be lonely

When people ask me if I enjoy being a senior leader in my organisation, my answer is a consistently ‘Yes I do.’ Leadership is an amazing experience as it allows you to shape and influence an organisation and perhaps more nobly to turn a vision and a dream into reality. Nevertheless, I’ve said before that leadership … Read more

Leaders must always celebrate success

Last week, a review of data for the Toastmasters district I lead revealed that we were doing better than expected on a range of indicators. The scale of the success surprised me and I immediately set gears in motion to start celebrating this success. But why does this matter you might ask? Recognition works wonders … Read more